Add Beauty and Functionality to Your Yard

Arrange for a retaining wall installation in Waxhaw, Monroe, Concord orCharlotte, NC

Is your yard steeply sloped? Prevent soil erosion by turning to Marvin Masonry for a retaining wall installation. You won't need to worry about ugly concrete blocks ruining your curb appeal-we'll design a wall that complements your existing landscaping.

Call now to arrange for a free, no-obligation consultation with a skilled retaining wall contractor. We serve the Waxhaw, Monroe, Concord & Charlotte, NC areas.

5 good reasons to install a retaining wall

5 good reasons to install a retaining wall

If the soil in your yard washes downhill every time it rains, a retaining wall could be the answer. Trust Marvin Masonry to take care of your retaining wall installation.

Putting a retaining wall in your yard can:

  1. Level out a steep slope
  2. Prevent sinkholes
  3. Reduce the risk of flooding
  4. Help you avoid foundation issues
  5. Enhance the look of your yard


Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable retaining wall contractor serving the Waxhaw, Monroe, Concord & Charlotte, NC areas.